Sempre que eu pergunto a algum dos meus alunos o que ele entende pelo verbo “look”, ele responde: olhar, ver.
Mas quando o verbo “look” vem acompanhado de uma (ou mais) preposição, tornando-se um phrasal verb, ele pode ter significados completamente diferentes. Veja 24 exemplos de phrasal verbs com o verbo “look”.
Look after (cuidar)
To take care of someone or something
I need to find someone who can look after my dogs this weekend while I’m on holiday.
Look ahead (planejar)
To think about and plan the future
Let’s look ahead to next month’s projected sales figures.
Look around/round (dar uma olhada)
Visit a place and see what is there
Do you want to have a look around/round town this afternoon?
Look at
To consider or examine something, usually before making a decision. (considerar – olhar algo antes de tomar uma decisão)
We will have to look at all the proposals before coming to any decision.
To read something quickly (ler algo rapidamente)
Can you have a look at the notes I gave you last week?
To confront or face something (confrontar ou encarar algo)
He is looking at a large fine if he doesn’t comply with the court order.
Look back
To think about something in the past (pensar em algo no passado)
When I look back on my childhood, I realise how lucky I was to not have any responsibilities.
Look down on
To consider someone inferior; to believe that you are better than someone else. (considerar alguém inferior – olhar superior)
I hate the way that our boss looks down on us; she treats us as if we are less important than her.
Look for
Try to find or search for someone or something. (procurar ou pesquisar algo)
Can you help me look for my keys? I seem to have mislaid them.
Look forward to (esperar ansiosamente)
To be excited about something that will happen in the future
I am really looking forward to Christmas this year, as my family are coming to visit.
Look in on
To visit someone for a short time. (dar uma passadinha rápida – visitar rapidamente)
Look in on your grandmother on your way home to make sure she has everything she needs.
Look into
To investigate or find out more about something. (investigar)
I don’t have that information to hand but I will look into it and get back to you.
Look on
To watch an event or an activity without taking part in it or getting involved. (assistir, sem tomar partido de algo).
I looked on as my friends danced around the room.
Look out
Warning someone to be careful or to be vigilante. (alertar alguém para que seja cuidadoso ou vigilante)
Look out! There is broken glass on the floor!
Look out for something or someone
Be vigilant; try to notice something or keep an eye out for something or someone in particular. (ser vigilante, tentar alertar alguém para manter os olhos abertos em alguém / alguma coisa em particular).
Look out for hummingbirds in the garden, they are often seen here.
Look out for someone
Take care of someone, protect them and make sure they are alright. (cuidar, proteger alguém).
I have always looked out for my little sister.
Look over
Check or revise something, usually quickly. (olhar por cima, passar os olhos em)
Can you look over my thesis and tell me what you think I need to improve?
Look to
To rely on someone or something for help or advice. (confiar em alguém ou alguma coisa)
We have always looked to our mother for guidance.
Look through
Examine or read something, usually briefly. (olhar rapidamente, dar uma olhada).
Can you have a look through this report before I hand it to the boss please?
To be looking up
Getting better or improving. (melhorar)
Our financial situation finally seems to be looking up.
Look something up
To search for information. (procurar por informação).
We can look up the restaurant’s address on the internet.
Look someone up
Go to visit someone; find an old friend. (visitar alguém, encontrar um velho amigo).
Look me up if you are ever in Ireland!
Look up to someone
To admire or respect someone. (admirar ou respeitar alguém).
I have always looked up to my father.
Look upon/on someone or something
To consider or regard someone or something in a particular way. (considerar alguém ou alguma coisa de maneira particular).
I have always looked upon/on my mother as a friend.
Look away
To turn your eyes away from someone or something that gives a bad feeling such as fear, shame, pain, disgust or embarrassment. (desviar o olhar).
I looked away as the doctor peeled the bandage off my arm.